Sunday, May 17, 2009

We're Still Alive! (Barely)

Well, it's been awhile since I've blogged. Mr. Fixit's eye surgery went great. He's 20/20 now. He was pretty out of it for the whole day after his surgery. My sister just spent the better part of last week with us. We had a great time. Lot's of butter (yes, we did make 12 hour monkey bread), laughing, shopping, and fun. I'm hoping that she lands an internship in our town so she can come stay with us again for a longer period of time! And the Bug...oh, the Bug. He's had a rough couple of days. Teething seems to have got the better of him. He's been drooling like a maniac. Today was full of many interesting events. He was supposed to be in a photoshot at church this morning. Wouldn't you know, on the way to church, he coughed a little too hard and puked all over his cute little jacket. So, no big deal. THEN, he went to the nursery, and I'm not quite sure what happened, but when Mr. Fixit went to pick him up, he was wearing ONLY his sweater vest! No onesie. No pants. Just his little argyle sweater vest and a nappy. I thought maybe he had a blowout, but he was in the same I'm thinking either he puked again, or there was more than I thought after the first round. Anyway, thanks to his buddy Ben, he landed himself a pair of shorts. I'm saddened to say, my camera was not with me during this time. Mr. Fixit's words are ringing in my ears "You are the mother of a 1 year need to have your camera with you at all times." We worked on outside in the yard on this beautiful Sunday. The bug and I started out by watering the plants. He made a tumble on the sidewalk and ended up with this nice shiner. Ouch!
Then, while I was mowing the backyard, the following events took place. (Yes, the Bug's father was in charge!!)

Think about this, long and hard...

Dont' do it. It's not worth it...


  1. OMG - how funny are the pictures of him drinking from the dog bowl? What a hoot! Glad Mr. Fixit had good results with his surgery.


  2. In the last photo he looks like he's gagging! Ha!

  3. bummer about the lump and bump. he's still a stinkin' cutie pie!!!

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photos of Miles and the dog dish!!!

  5. Just wait until he comes to Grammy's!!! What happens at Grammy's stays at Grammy's!!!!
