Awww...bright shining faces! Lately we've been down to one car. So, the boys usually drop me off at work and pick me up in the morning. Then I drop my dear husband off at work. Then Bug off at the babysitters. Then I go home and sleep the day away. It sounds a little inconvenient, but that's our reality right now. My friend says the Lord is teaching me patience. I say, the Lord wants me in a mental health institution. Anyways...this is all beside the point. On my way to the house this morning, I encountered a bit of inclement weather. It was raining. No big deal is what you are thinking? Well, here is what I've been dealing with since June...
...and this is what I was dealing with today...
I can honestly say I've never fish-tailed in the mud before today. I was nearly stuck in the mud at 8am. So, you can imagine what things looked like after another inch of rain?
Needless to say, Mr. Fixit and I (the mighty team we are) managed to get the car out of the driveway and onto pavement that is 2 blocks away. It wasn't without difficulty! I can guarantee we were the neighborhood's evening entertainment. I'm sure they loved the car swerving, mud flying hilarity! But in the end, the Maxima made it out alive!
Notice I said "lately we've been down to one car?" Well, as of tonight, I'm convinced that the Lord does NOT want me to be committed to the mental health institution...because (drum roll, please) vehicle #2 is in working order! You heard it...vehicle #2 works! Hallelujah! Mr. Fixit has done it again! And the crowd goes wild...
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