There is no rest for toddlers! Here's his early used Christmas present. I've been fretting the cold subzero temperatures that are to come and was trying to brainstorm activities we could do this winter to keep from getting cabin fever. I'm a huge fan of the local activities (i.e. library, indoor park thinggy, etc., etc.), but I don't think that I'll be a fan taking him out too much when we are at peak sick season. Our little play set will hopefully come in handy. Then it's playdough, books, youtube (yes, we are a fan of sesame street on youtube), and whatever other fun exciting crafts and projects mommy can think of. I liked the idea of a kitchen set for him to play with...but...achem...apparently that is not acceptable! ha-ha! No hard feelings Dad...I mean, anonymous person who thinks a kitchen set is a bad idea!
But for now...we are enjoying each day of beautiful fall weather that we can. I think tomorrow mommy will bring out the lawn chair and watch Bug play outside all day while she catches up on her reading!
Bug and Little Mister. Check out those curls he's getting!
Playing in the window-well.
What a cutie!
what's wrong with a kitchen set? some of the best chefs are guys, dad. may trigger a career move. just think, a gordon ramsay in the family (without the potty mouth, of course).