Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Doing Well!

After 1 1/2 hours in surgery, he was finally out! We were getting very concerned because we were told that he would be about 30 minutes. Well, once they decided to take out the adenoids, they had to start an IV and intubate him. They had much trouble getting an IV in. It took at least 15 pokes, and they finally got one in his foot. He's got 10 little poke marks on his hands alone! Thank goodness he was asleep and I wasn't there! Then during the case the endotracheal tube became obstructed. Apparently they noticed this because his heart rate dropped significantly and oxygenation began to drop also. So, they had to place a new tube.

And the findings:

1. He still had "Glue Ear" pretty severely.
2. The first set of tubes were in REAL good and took a lot of work to get out.
3. The new set of tubes are in REAL good and supposedly are not going anywhere.
4. After all the work on IVs and intubation, they got his adenoids out without any troubles.
5. God gave me strength not to go APE on the nurse anesthetist and anesthesiologist after I saw all the little holes in my baby's hands, wrists, arms, and feet.
6. I was very appreciative that things are getting taken care of.
7. I think that our son is trying to end up in a medical journal. I told him that he might as well give up on that melarky, because it's not going to happen.
8. We're still going south! We leave tonight or tomorrow for the big city and fly out Thursday!

Monday, December 14, 2009

In Surgery

Bug is in surgery as we speak. They decided to take out adenoids. They just finished his tubes and now are taking out the adenoids. He's been in the OR for an hour now...feels like forever. Hopefully we'll have him in our arms soon! Thanks for your prayers. Got some cute photos in his hospital jammies...will post later.

Friday, December 11, 2009


We went to see our ENT doctor yesterday. Bug's ears are still having bloody drainage and look infected. Since we have tried topical and oral antibiotics and it hasn't seemed to fix these issues, we are going back to surgery...Monday...7:15am.

The doctor thinks that he is reacting to the material that the tubes are made of. So she plans on putting new ones made of different material in. Also, there is a high probability that he will have his adenoids taken out as well. If she decides during surgery that the adenoids need to come out, they will intubate him and put an IV in. He will then be under anesthesia for about 30 minutes.

We are doing okay. Of course, a little anxious because we're going back to surgery. We know that God is in control though and have comfort in that! We would love your prayers if you think of it. In addition to praying for Bug, please pray for his doctor, nurse, anesthesiologist, nurse anesthetist, and surgical tech who will be in the operating room. I know that this surgery is fairly common and routine, but as parents, we are still a tad nervous. I hope our little Bug gets things fixed this time around!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Snow!!

December has come...and so has the snow!! We went outside for a whopping 5 minutes. Baby it's cold outside!!! During those 5 minutes, we had a rip-roaring-snot-blowing-good-ole-time.